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Jonghak Seo


Jonghak Seo's photo


Hi, I'm Jonghak Seo. You may call me Jong.

When I'm off work,

I'm a software engineer who loves the OSS ecosystem and is motivated by helping others.

When I'm on work,

I'm a front-end engineer who efforts to improve the productivity of the team by creating various tools. (e.g. custom eslint rules, development tool extensions, host a seminar. etc.)

I enjoy deep diving into complex and seemingly impossible bugs and issues, and I grow through the pain and learning process.


  • Front-end Part Lead at Creatrip (2023.11 ~)

    TypeScript, Next.js, React, Apollo Client, styled-components, rtl, jest

    Charge of front-end development, technical decision-making, productivity assurance, SEO optimization, and performance-related issues and debugging.

  • Front-end Engineer at Creatrip (2021.12 ~ 2023.11)

    TypeScript, Next.js, React, Apollo Client, styled-components, rtl, jest

    Responsible for the front-end part of the company's user web/admin app. I built the user's reservation and purchase flow on this complex e-commerce web.

  • Front-end Engineer at Slogup (2020.09 ~ 2021.12)

    TypeScript, Next.js, React, SWR, Redux, css-modules

    Made the company's main service, Slogup, and the admin page.
    I was in charge of the development of SK's new service, [SK Direct]

Side Projects

  • [chrome-extension-boilerplate]

    Boilerplate for Chrome Extension with React and Vite.

    I started this project to easily develop my own Chrome extension while studying Vite. It has own HMR feature using wss. And it has received more than 1K stars. 😎

  • [DragGPT chrome extension]

    Chrome extension for using ChatGPT API via dragging.

    I made this extension to make it easier to use the ChatGPT API. It has received more than 150 users and 30 stars.

What I'm looking for

I'm looking for a team that can provide a new environment for growth and a place where I can contribute to the team with my skills and experience.

I also like the freedom that comes with remote work and high responsibility and productivity.

Feel free to contact me.